Web hosting problems are unavoidable and part of the web hosting journey, but a deep understanding of them equips you with better solutions.
A reliable web host in Singapore can significantly reduce the probability of such issues. However, it is always best to understand the gap between where things can be handled on your own and where external help is needed.
In this article, we will discuss some of the common web hosting problems and tips for overcoming them. Businesses that plan to establish an online presence and want to buy domains and hosting must keep reading.
Frequent Web Hosting Problems and Their Solution
1. Web Hosting Issue: Adding More Domains To Web Hosting Account
Businesses that manage more than one website with a single web hosting account can face this issue.
Solution: When managing an add-on domain or a parked domain, check whether it is rightly configured with the DNS. Ensure that your add-on domain and parked domain have the same settings as the primary domain. This helps to ensure that all domains can be properly located and accessed on the Internet.
cPanel supports managing separate website hosting within the same account. But if the problem continues, even after doing the needed configurations, get help from the web hosting provider.
2. Web Hosting Issue: Email Access Issues/Unable to See Certain Emails
This happens when there are configuration issues with your mail server or the server is facing downtime.
Solution: First, check whether there is an upgrade with your mail server. Also, check if the storage space used by your email account has some storage limitations. Regardless of this, if the problem continues, contact your web hosting provider.
3. Web Hosting Issue: Error During Transfer of file
This issue can happen when website files are transferred from one web hosting provider to another. It is basically access denial, where you see “coming soon” or “error page” instead of an actual website. That can happen for a couple of reasons:
- The web browser is trying to get through the old version of the website
- There can be a wrong upload of a website file to the folder in the hosting panel
Solution: If the first part is the case, then it is a browser issue and you need to clear your browser cache. If it is the second, check for the folder where the files were uploaded and make the required corrections. In case there is further confusion, you can always get help from the web hosting provider.
4. Web Hosting Issue: Speed
Speed is the most common issue due to network latency, so check whether your web hosting provider is making use of the latest software and tools. An outdated server can also create this problem. The second could be the location of your server. The closer it is to your users, the faster your website loads for them.
Solution: Installing a CDN will help with page loading by using caching for static pages. That comes in really handy, especially when you have visitors from different parts of the world.
Running a website all by yourself can be a complex task, especially when you lack technical expertise. You may encounter issues that go beyond the common problems discussed here. Therefore, it is best to rely on a reputable web host in Singapore with managed services, as everything is taken care of by them, letting you focus on your business.